Intent, Horror, and a Little Social Media

September, 2021

Hey you, welcome back to this cozy little spot where I talk about stuff.

I’m a little late on this post, as I’ve been hard at work on my upcoming book, putting every inch of typing power into it. While I currently don’t like the idea of writing anything that doesn’t pertain to one of the six stories in my new book, I do want to talk a little about my foray into the horror genre here today. But, I wanted to get a few things about my debut project out there, stuff that I initially wanted to talk about directly after release in person, an opportunity COVID denied me.

A Brief Story

My first book, a family memoir/non-fiction story about my experience with my parents’ divorce, released one year, nine months, and seven days ago. If you judge the book by it’s literal cover and its title, A Brief Story of an Exceptional Divorce, one might get the impression that it’s a self help book, merely a guide into traversing the terrain of separation. The truth is, it can be that, just as it can be an educational view into something you might not have experienced yourself. It could also be used as a comparison to one’s own divorce.

My initial intent, one that still reigns my goal of the book to this day, and the future, is just to share my family’s story and hope that people could relate, or learn from it. No matter what, it’s up to you to decide in how you interpret it.

What I’m trying to say is, A Brief Story of an Exceptional Divorce itself is just meant to tell a true story, one that I needed to share, one that I’m proud of. If you haven’t read it, or yet, even bought it, you can here.

The Dimension of Fervor

I don’t want to say too much yet, still, as the significant details of my next book are still soaking up some much needed darkness. I do plan to talk about the title and synopsis as the book gets officially ready for publish. For right now, the only information I want to share, is that there are six stories with different characters, as I’ve talked about in my previous post. It’s up to you to decide how they fall into the horror category. I will add, your emotions will have the biggest role in the book, not just fear.

That’s as much as I want to give away about the book for now, though keep your eyes peeled like Alex in A Clockwork Orange for more info. It’s coming, and I’m so excited to share the dread with you all.

Just a Little Bit of Social Media

Lastly, I’ve recently—and by recently I mean literally today—made a new Facebook page, as well as a new Instagram, both directly used for my author stuff. Give em’ a follow if you’d like. They are bare-bones for now, but I will be active on them.

My goal for the Facebook is ease of connection with anyone who’d like to talk about any of my books, business inquires (such a buzzword, I’m sorry), or any questions that one might have. My email is listed on there, just as it is listed on here, for those things as well.

As for the Instagram, it will be the place to check out some cool stuff pertaining my writing, as well as another place to connect with people. A new Twitter will also be coming, though for now, Facebook and Instagram are the priorities regarding the social media stuff.

I also have a Goodreads page you can check out and follow as well, listed at the bottom of every page on my site here.

Thanks for reading. You’re all amazing. Don’t forget it.

Merry Christmas.



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