Our Snug Little Slice of Foreboding Dread.

March 2019

Welcome to the dream, my friend.

Though it’s been a few months, I wanted to hop back in the update pool and talk about a few things—three things actually.

This Fiery Engine.

As I reach the end of my newest book, I also reach the final update on this blog (regarding the book itself) until its completion. To say that I’m excited for everyone or anyone for that matter, to read it, would be underselling what I’m feeling. Living through these worlds, or world, and creating them has been an intoxicating experience, a feeling that I look forward to continue chasing for the rest of my life. I cannot wait for people to consume, and get consumed by this cosmic anomaly.

With that, I do wish I could share more about the stories themselves here, let alone the emotions that they portray, but I can’t spoil it. Which brings me to—

My initial plan, especially when I first started this blog, was to not only document my progress and state of mind as I went on this journey, taking on my first fictional writing, but to also give previews as to what will be in store for those that have interest in the unknown, and a hint of the familiar. The latter half of my initial plan has since been changed. Due to the evolution of this book, publishing any short story on here, or any preview, would now be spoiling it. This thing has evolved into a beast of its own kind, one that I wish I could compare to something, but I don’t think I could find an example. Like I said, I’m excited.

So I tell you, whoever is currently reading this, something new is approaching, and it’s right on your tail.

The Anniversary of Something Special.

Back in March of 2020, that wondrous, exhilarating month that will go down as the start of a pandemic, I published my first book, A Brief Story of an Exceptional Divorce. It’s been two years since the story of my family’s life was released out into the wild, something that I’ve contemplated putting out there for longer than that. I’m not going to go into that here, as I did in my last post briefly, but I do want to say: whether you’re divorced, happily married, know someone that is on the verge of splitting with their significant other, or are even just merely curious, my book might give one insight into something that people have plenty of preconceptions about, A Brief Story could be a short, but fruitful answer for you.

Take a Hike.

For those that aren’t in the know, some four years ago, I began scoring short films, writing music and creating musical cues for my favorite genre. This year, I returned to the medium, and scored a short horror film called A Walk in the Woods for the great Greg Vogt. I forgot how much I loved making music, but more importantly making music for movies that I love. If you want, check out the other short films by Greg, as well as the others that I scored, which will be linked at the bottom below, along with Greg’s YouTube channel.

And for those that enjoy my scores, even without the meticulously crafted pictures behind them, each score will soon be available to stream on all major platforms. I’ll post an update soon on when that’s happening. It’ll be a pretty cool collection. Until then, I have a book to finish.

Thank you all for reading. Hang in there. And don’t forget, life is too short for worry.



Gregory Vogt, Director. Youtube: Blacksheep'd Productions

Other Scores by Alec Thein:

A Walk in the Woods (2022)

Striges (2019)

Curtain (2019)

Not Alone (2018)

Nightsaw (2018)

It Won’t Leave (2018)

Wait (2018)


Welcome to the Celestial Graveyard.


Intent, Horror, and a Little Social Media